

Get your brand logo in every inboxx

Boost email open rates and improve your inbox experience with BIMI – the best way to build brand trust in the inbox.

or schedule a demo with one of our DMARC experts

Valimail Amplify

Valimail Amplify is the only product that automates BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) and similar brand management systems, offering organizations the ability to manage brand consistency at scale.


Valimail Amplify is the perfect launchpad to fast-track BIMI for all participating mailbox providers.

Amplify your brand with billions of new brand impressions.

Increase email open rates by up to 20%.

Richer inbox and cohesive brand experience.

Control how your brand logo is displayed in participating mailbox providers.

Take advantage of BIMI

Valimail has fast-tracked the BIMI process with a scalable solution for organizations with multiple brand entities, domains and logos. We have partnered with leading certificate authorities to handle the acquisition and management of Verified Mark Certificates (VMC) — a BIMI requirement.

Who’s behind BIMI

As the leader in helping organizations get to DMARC enforcement and a founding and leading member of the working group developing BIMI, Valimail is the trusted partner who can help you achieve your email goals. Teams can get started by checking if they’re BIMI eligible by using Valimail’s BIMI checker tool.

Email is your digital identity. Own it.

Get on the right track to BIMI and meet with one of our BIMI Experts today – we’d love to get you on the BIMI fast track.


What is BIMI?

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) is a new email specification that puts brands in control of how their logo appears within supporting email clients. Simply put, BIMI allows companies to tell inbox providers what logos they’d like to appear in customers’ and prospects’ inboxes rather than just letting the inbox provider display generic avatars or the company’s initials.

Why should email marketers care about BIMI?

Marketers are always looking for ways to stand out in the inbox and BIMI represents a massive opportunity for marketers to grow brand awareness and customer engagement. Being able to control your logo when sending emails, newsletters, receipts, offers, etc. is invaluable. It’s similar to having the perfect, consistent vanity URLs and display names across social media profiles – it’s low-cost, but shows consistency, conveys trust, and increases recognition and reach.

Initial pilots have shown an increase in engagement by an average of 10% when inboxes display trusted brand logos next to email messages– and that’s on top of the average 10% increase in deliverability that DMARC at enforcement already provides.

What are the prerequisites for implementing BIMI?

To be BIMI-ready, your organization must have taken all of the steps necessary to implement a DMARC enforcement policy of p=quarantine; pct=100 or p=reject – thus being protected against spoofing to the highest standard out there today. After you’ve done all the groundwork getting to DMARC enforcement, organizations can build off of their DMARC protections by implementing BIMI.

You may be required to obtain a Verified Mark Certificate (VMC), also known as a BIMI certificate, from a certificate authority. Valimail and DigiCert have partnered to offer one-stop shopping for getting BIMI ready, with DMARC monitoring and automation from Valimail and VMC issuing from DigiCert creating a one-stop-shop.

Which providers support BIMI?

Valimail is a founding and leading member of the working group developing BIMI protocol, and its availability has taken a big leap forward as Google announced general support for BIMI in 2021. As BIMI adoption continues to grow globally, BIMI support includes several major inbox service providers like Verizon Media Group (Yahoo, AOL, Netscape), Fastmail, and recently joined by Apple Mail.