

Free visibility into your domains

World-class monitoring to identify all services and sending activity from your domains.

or schedule a demo with one of our DMARC experts

Valimail Monitor

Valimail provides a hassle-free, monitoring solution that will identify up to 100% of your services by name. This eliminates the challenges of interpreting raw IP data in DMARC reports manually. Quickly identify and authorize all senders, point out any bad actors, and make the first step towards enforcement with Monitor.


Valimail Monitor expedites service configuration and DMARC implementation by eliminating the need for ongoing manual analysis of XML-based DMARC reports.

Global visibility into all senders in your domains.

Control shadow IT by exposing non-authorized cloud sending services.

Unmatched discovery of third-party emailing services.

Always compliant with no risk to PII data.

Free visibility for everyone

We unlocked the full capability of our domain visibility layer so every business can afford the chance to experience the power of DMARC. No trial offers or obligations.

Take the critical first step towards protecting against phishing by signing up for Monitor.

Key features

Take advantage of the risk-free visibility you need to prevent phishing attacks.

Unmatched discovery of third-party sending services

Accurately identifies thousands of sending services by named services (not IP addresses) regardless of sending volume.

Continuously monitor your enforcement status

 Provides detailed views into the enforcement status of all sending domains, including which domains are passing and failing DMARC, aligned SPF and DKIM, and overall disposition.

Global view of suspicious IPs sending as you

Gain direct access to view unidentified ISPs, open routers, unsecured.hacked servers, etc. to keep you in control of your domains.

Hear from our customers

Better visibility means you see trouble coming before it reaches you

Discover your domain’s hidden third party cloud service with Valimail today.


Why do you need to monitor your domains?

Have you ever feared that a phishing attack might cost your business revenue or customer trust? The first step is visibility—learning precisely who is sending emails as you. Valimail provides the simplest, most effective and most accurate way to reveal all the services sending from your domains – including senders spoofing your identity to phish your employees, partners, customers, and everyone you do business with. Valimail turns DMARC reports into easy-to-read lists of services, giving you visibility into all the services sending email from your domain, for free.